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our team

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Never give up.

​Ryan, Founder / Owner / Chief Beer Officer

Favorite True Vine Beer: Daddy's Juice Box

Traci Dixon of True Vine Brewing Company

Nothing fills my cup more than seeing friends share life around a table with a great drink in hand.

Traci, Founder / Owner / Marketing


Favorite True Vine Beer: Rose City


It is what it is.

Jim, Owner / Business Development


Favorite True Vine Beer: Rose City

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Friday night I'm counting beers. Come Monday counting beans!

Meredith, Accounting / Office Manager

Favorite True Vine Beer: Mermaids & Unicorns

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Rose City, please.

Dusty, Lead Brewer


Favorite True Vine Beer: Rose City


Murder bomb everything.

Murder, Cellarman / Assistant Brewer


Favorite True Vine Beer: Rose City

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